Having attended the Conservative Future National Christmas party on Saturday, there seemed to be an issue which was a cause of concern to many members, including myself. It would seem that a number of university students, and members of the party, have been behaving in a manner which is bringing the name of the party into the mud. Some of these students have been party to behaviour involving Sexism, Racism and other offensive actions. One member asked me “what do you intend to do to sort these members out? Will you ban their branch?” This was something that I hadn’t considered before. I believe in giving everyone a second chance, because no one is perfect, however bullying, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and the damage or destroyal of another’s property is not acceptable. If a branch were to behave in such a way, my initial immediate response would be to act towards disbanding the branch. However, as with anything, one cannot tar everyone with the same brush. Although it may have appeared to be the whole branch acting in such a way, it is very much likely that it was a select few individuals attempting to ruin the fun for everyone, what may be a joke to one person, is most certainly not a joke to everyone else.

After much deliberation over the weekend, I have decided the best course of action to take place would be the following; for a severe offence, each and every member of the offending branch would be called collectively before a tribunal of the national executive and the chairmen of their Region and Area. The incident(s) would be discussed and debated. If it were the first such occurrence, then the branch would be issued with a warning and a temporary suspension of support. For a second occurrence, more severe action would be decided upon.

It had been suggested that the offending branch should be permanently banned of any activity, however I personally feel that this would penalise not the members who are causing the trouble, who - so it would seem - are in their last or second from last years of their membership of that particular branch, but the new and potential members, who will be denied the opportunity of being a positive and active member of a branch, because their predecessors could not behave themselves in an appropriate matter.

Members who act irresponsibly and disrespectfully, whether it involve racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, taking illegal drugs, damaging property or any such behaviour, need to consider, that not only is it their own reputation which they are damaging, but the reputation of the whole organisation, and indeed young people as a whole. The reputation of Conservative Future will not be held in high regard, if one small group of individuals behave in a way that is completely and utterly irresponsible. As conservatives, we should have respect for others and their property and for society as a whole. You can have fun, but don’t damage what is not yours to damage. It needs to be remembered that this is a shared responsibility, the more we can be trusted, the stronger and more credible we will be able to become as an organisation. For the sake of everyone else, and for future generations, STOP THIS DAMAGING BEHAVIOUR!